Where Are The Blue Skies?

I am sad for all of us, our family and friends, and parents and children. Every generation has a unique experience with this pandemic, and lessons will be learned. But we’re living it now, unsure when it will end, and life returns to normal.

What do you miss most these days? 

Is it your job? Is it your family and friends? Money? A favorite restaurant? 
It can just be a sense of normalcy. It can be a sense of security.  
So many things, but a night on the town and a road trip sound really good about now. 

How do you feel these days?

Sadness? Doubt? Despair? Fear? Anger? Suspicion? Loneliness?
Hope? Love? Feel the need to help another?

 We all respond to COVID-19 in different ways, but we’ve all felt and seen the gamut of emotion. For me, this pandemic has shaken my sense of security and shows how fragile we and our world are.  

I hear Sting’s lyrics in the song, “Fragile”. If you don’t know it, please listen to it. 

“On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star
Like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are
How fragile we are”

What can you do to cope?  

Hang onto the only certainty that ever was, God. He is in control. Trust God has you in good and bad times. He is always there. Pray, pray some more, and feel peace come over you. Look up and see the blue sky again.


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