Let It Rain

Five inches of rain fell yesterday. The rain was determined, persistent, and ruthless, as it came down in buckets. One thing for sure, if it must rain, I prefer a warm rain. In fact, I’d be in pure bliss walking outside in the puddles on a misty, warm day. Probably even over a sunny, bright day. Many of you may be surprised.

Yesterday made me realize how much I truly love the rain. It made me wonder if this is “normal”? Do most people love a rainy day? Or do most prefer a sunny day? First, I get the type of weather wished for is often based on plans for that specific day. Going on a picnic? Sunshine! Home sick? Let it rain! 

But besides that, our soul feels most comfortable on a certain kind of day. What does that day look like for you? What kind of weather? The true question is what is your spirit weather?

I love the rain. I love a sputtering, gentle rain. I love a thundering, fierce rain. Why? I love the smell of the earth after it falls. I love the pitter patter sound on my rooftop. I love the feel of rain on my skin. I just love how the rain affects all of our senses. And…  

Rain is part of many of my favorite memories. It is my Grandpa and I on the front porch on my 5th birthday. It’s summer memories at the cottage. It’s my engagement, wedding, and birth of my first child kind-of-day.

In my life, rain, snow, and precipitation in general has brought showers of blessings. They say it’s a lucky bride who has rain on her wedding day, it’s symbolic when it rains at a funeral, and farmers truly experience the blessing of rain.

Besides all of these beliefs, rain is definitely good for the soul.     

💧Rain invites us to introspect and be in touch with our soul. God awaits. 

💧Rain may make us feel sad. It is pain that makes us stronger and better people. Pray. 

💧Rain represents cleansing. All of us, our bodies need cleansing, and our souls heal and are made pure again.

💧Rain leads to growth. Look at the seed in the dirt that relies on sunshine and rain to grow. We rise to new heights with rain. 

💧Most of all, rain invites us to stay home. This is why I love the rain, especially now, more than ever. 

What is YOUR spirit weather? I think it’s something to ponder and learn about yourself.  


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