A Photographer Evolves

Who likes looking at and taking pictures? When did you discover your love of photography? 

For me, I was a child. Looking back, I was the family photojournalist. I was the one behind the camera capturing all of our family and friends at events. Maybe I was trying to figure out who I was and how we all fit together? 

I know now I preserved loved ones and all the memories with each click of the camera. I’m so grateful I did. I can see old family and friends with a turn of a photo album page.  

To this day, my extended family pretends to be me as  Photographer Jen. They imitate my professional pose by crouching down on a funny angle with their behinds out. I know many of you picture takers can relate 😂.  

My childhood hobby developed into taking TONS of pictures of my own children as they grew up. I not only captured big moments, but also much of their daily activity and emotion. So glad I did because parenthood is one BIG BLUR! 

The best part is I can place my daughters on my lap again by looking at old photographs on a computer screen. They are VERY grateful Instagram did not exist when they were young. I know I would’ve enjoyed it, as many moms do today.  

As I get older, I enjoy photos of nature most of all, the sunlight on water and the naked tree. I photograph the world around us. Our world is always changing and changing fast. It’s awesome to be able to look back on what used to be.  

What do you like to take pictures of these days?

Some people like to photograph people. Expressing emotions, persona, and relationships from behind a lense is magical. 

Some people like nature. Showing God’s world in all its variety and splendor represented  in photographs is beautiful. 

Some people like to photograph animals in the wild. An amazing feat to capture these creatures in their natural habitat. 

With all of the social media and photography sites, and most importantly, picture takers, there is more sharing of images now more than ever before. The best part is we get to view the world from each other’s perspective, and it is a wide lense today. Compared to previous generations, future generations will have a lot of information to explore and understand how we lived, and we pass the camera to them.   


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