It’s a Pandemic Summer

Today is June 1, the first day of meteorological summer! For most of us, summer kicks off with Memorial Day weekend. Yet the actual calendar says we must wait until June 20, the first day of astrological summer.  

For me, the beginning of summer is a feeling. It can be early spring when the first flower blooms, and the ground smells damp and ready for rebirth. When this happens, I get a strong urge for flip flops and shorts.   

Yes, I know, summer break is kids’ stuff. But for people of all ages, summer brings baseball, outside concerts, state fairs, carnivals, and barbecues. It’s the time for watermelon eating and strawberry picking. It’s barefoot weather in the gritty sand and the soft grass. Summer breezes an easy going, carefree vibe that blows in with all of our summers.

Yet Summer of 2020 is going to be different. We all sense it. Even when America reopens, we’ll be in masked, small groups set 6 feet apart. It seems the carefree feeling will blow away before summer even arrives. 

Let’s think about what we can do this Pandemic Summer of 2020. Let’s think most anything that can be done inside can be done outside. Let’s get creative!

12 Pandemic Summer Fun Tips 😊

  1. Picnic in the yard or anywhere outside.
  2. Go on a walk, lots of them, everywhere.
  3. Take long car rides, lots of them, every direction.
  4. Outside visits with neighbors and friends.
  5. Staycation and explore nature around you.
  6. Backyard fun! Bocce ball, yard jarts, and badminton. Water play with kiddie pools and water soakers. 
  7. Do everything outside. Board games, talk on the phone, watch television, and camp. 
  8. Home projects, ones you’ve been talking about for years. 
  9. Beautify your yard. Grow vegetable and flower gardens.
  10. Clean up your neighborhood, and walk with a trash bag. 
  11. Read in a hammock. Indulge in a good story, educate yourself, and open your eyes.   
  12. Donate your time and talent to those in need.

It really takes us back to how it used to be. We used to travel less and stay local more. We used to eat at home more and at restaurants less. We’ve been pretty lucky. Dare I say spoiled?  

One good thing is I’d guess that time will pass more slowly in a pandemic summer, so enjoy it. Grab your Country Time Lemonade, sit barefoot on a porch swing, and think up more summer fun! 


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