A Turtle’s Hope Against All Odds

A turtle dug deep in the landscape of our front yard one recent morning. She pushed her head in the mulch and dirt with her tail end up. She maneuvered until she found just the right places to bury her eggs. 

This is the second turtle that has come to stay with us. The first one was in the backyard, but she quickly left, probably because of our curious dogs. She needed a safe place that allowed the best chance for survival of her young.

For freshwater and saltwater turtles, the eggs only have a 1% survival rate into adulthood. That sadly means a 99% mortality rate. But if they survive their infancy and childhood, many turtle species can live decades and even hundreds of years. No wonder they look like dinosaurs! 

Along the ocean shore, ropes often protect turtle egg hatching areas. I checked online about how to protect the freshwater turtle eggs in our yard. It was suggested to place brush over the area, and we did just that. Everyone needs a little help and push in the right direction. 😊

Female turtles bury their eggs with high hopes against all odds. I love that a female turtle made the thoughtful decision to lay her eggs at our home. She must have felt safe and secure here. 

The awareness of needing safe spaces where individuals feel accepted is apparent now more than ever. Yet living has never felt so uncomfortable and laced with uncertainty and negativity. Concern about getting sick and getting a loved one sick. Concern about being offended and offending another. Concern about our safety and safety of those around us. Concern about respecting ourselves and all life. 

We need to be like turtles that keep the faith and believe in the future, even though life is more challenging than ever. We need to gather and trust the wisdom gained to make the future brighter. 

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12, ESV

As God’s children who are loved unconditionally and are taught to love and to forgive, we can reach an understanding. We all have a lot to learn, but in our small corners of the world, it’s my hope we can offer love and acceptance. It’s what the world needs now and has always needed.  

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2, ESV


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