Top 10 Things I Miss About Travel

Covid life. So many things to miss, but there’s one big thing for me. 

First things first. My close friends and family are healthy. They’re good about staying home and keeping small circles, so we get together often to commiserate together. So I still get to see and love my special people. ❤️ Second, we’re all able to keep food on the table.

BUT my little family in my sweet home has been homebound for five months, and we’re used to some new adventure by now! We’re a family who got away every six months to a faraway place or a short road trip away. It didn’t matter. 

What I’m saying is we were never homebodies. We were gypsies. Through the years, we’ve spent more time in our minivan than our family room 😂 yikes, right? But now, we feel stuck at home. Don’t we all? Just a little?    

Right now, we’re all tangled in trying to process and make sense of life from our four little walls and small window view. Right now, if I’m honest with myself, of all the covid things to miss, it is traveling. I realize travel brings the novelty to life. 

Top 10 Things I Miss About Travel  

New scenery. A new view out my window. A new dinner table to share a meal with my family.

New music. The soundtrack of a trip. It may play at the restaurant or by the pool. I connect the place with the music and the memories play on.

New food. New places bring different menus. Foods from exotic locations, new ways to enjoy the same old meat and potato. 

New home. Our home away from home. A new bed to snuggle in at night. A  new balcony to chill and television to watch. 

New car. It was always fun to walk out to the car rental lot to choose our vacation car. Often, we’d get a convertible or some creature features that spoil us for a little while. 

New photographs. At home, life keeps us busy. While traveling, it’s an escape to slow down, see the world and photograph it!

New thoughts. Travel opens my mind. It helps me see the bigger picture and make sense of it all. The horizon widens.  

New vibe. It’s about being surrounded by new energy. It’s about connecting with the location and making it a part of me, if only for a few days. 

New people. It’s about people watching and getting to know the stories of people who live in another part of the country and world. It’s realizing as different as we are, we’re much the same. 

New me. I pack unique outfits, and my usual clothes that I wear to hang out at home, those, are not allowed in the suitcase. It’s not just the physical self, but the soul that is changed by places. 

In the end, being a traveler on this earth is an amazing gift, and there’s so much to see in so little time. Currently, we are all temporarily derailed. Our travel bucket list is drying up, but let’s fill it with ideas of where we will go next. Half the fun is the anticipation of getting  there! 😍


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