Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer. We often hear this phrase referring to the month of August. It’s when the days are hot and a person feels lazy like a dog. What you may not know is it dates back to the Greeks and the Romans when the dog star, Sirius, rose in the sky. 

Dog days of summer have a whole new meaning this year with the covid pandemic. I’m feeling and living like an actual dog these days. 

When I go out and about, I wear a mask. I no longer feel as fancy free. I now know how a dog feels restricted by its collar and leash. 

I’m grooming myself and it’s ruff (sorry couldn’t resist)! The hair salons and barber shops were and still may be closed, so we do our best. Our spouse and kids need help too, so we’ve become the monkey house at the zoo. 🐵    

Spending more time as a lone wolf …

I look out the window a lot. I’ve learned squirrel watching can be a jolly good time. 🐿

I get excited when the mail comes or an Amazon package arrives. I race the dogs to the door and howl with them. It’s fun. You should try it! 😂

I take lots of walks, one of my favorite things to do now, and apparently a lot of my neighbors too. What else can we do? Where else can we go?  

It’s fun to see people’s faces. It’s a joy to see emotion and get a glimpse of a smile and a nose sometimes. Especially when people are driving and sharing their sentiments. 😏 

Speaking of car rides, aren’t they the best?  I’ve been known to hang my head out the window sniffing the fresh air. NO mask freedom! Too much time inside feels stale, and my lungs need it! 🚙 

Spending more time together in a pack … 

We eat at home a lot, and there seems to be less choices. The way our dog eats the same kibble day after day, we’ve fallen into food jags. We get excited for TREATS, which are occasional takeout doggy bags. 😋 

We play with our toys at home more. The dogs have their squeaky toys. We have our old board and video games and foosball table. 

We entertain at home. When we do, we’re often outside in the backyard around a bonfire or a yard game. The dogs are usually tackling us for space and our toys. 🏈 

We relax more and appreciate a cozy couch nestled in blankets and pillows. The dogs snuggle amongst us and jostle us for space again. 💕 

I’ve truly connected with the dog life during this pandemic. What lifestyle habits have you acquired? What quirky things are happening at your home? And do you think the dogs are wondering if we’ll ever leave? 🐶


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