What’s a Photographer’s View of Life?

Today, more than ever, we’re all “photographers.” We always have our cameras, and many of us display our pictures for all the world to see.

Photography is a way to look at life. It is being attentive to images that are worth sharing, preserving, and celebrating. These are 10 ways photographers just may view life. 

1 Know our place. Sometimes we are in front, and sometimes we are behind the camera. We have to learn both and adapt. 

2 Focus. We need to focus on what’s important. Life has many distractions. Success happens when we focus our energies. 

3 Adjust. Sometimes, we need to adjust settings. This can be in response to change or simple ways to improve our lives.  

4 Edit. Cut out what we don’t need or want. Keep our attention on what we do need and want. 

5 Balance. Find the right balance. This can be balancing work, play, soul, and body. The right balance is not the same for everyone.   

6 Light. Find the light. It can affect mood and surroundings. Be aware of light. 

7 Color. Life brings a rainbow of experience and possibility. Find the colors to keep life interesting. 

8  Curiosity. A big world waits to be explored. Look deeper, ask the questions, and discover the significance.  

9 Heart. Our hearts tell us that a picture is worth capturing. It comes from the heart. Follow your heart.  

10 Emotion. Some of my favorite photographs capture human emotion. Be in touch with yours and others. 

I think a picture says as much about the photographer as the subject being photographed. Reason is the pictures we choose to take are influenced by who we are and how we see the world. 


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