A Rebellious Act, Authentic Self

We’ve grown up, and we still fight to be our true selves. Life has a way of guiding us astray. We come close, but then outside pressures creep in again.  

It doesn’t take long for the social pressures to get into our psyche. Our society feeds us perfect images of good moments, super model beauty, perfect parenting, dream job, luxury life, and even comic book strength. Few can be that person or live that life. 

The key is to be honest with yourself. To never lose your childlike nature, your soul that knows you and will not let you down. Stay in touch with that little voice in your head. If you really listen and respond with action, you will be true to yourself. 

But get ready, it’ll be a challenge your entire life. Different pressures and attitudes arrive in life through people, places, jobs, and much more. But never lose yourself to please others or their ideas of you. 

The reason is the only constant is you. 

I do believe the “rebels” of each generation follow their authentic selves. Notice the people who are blazing their own trail, going against the grain, and living life by their own terms.  

Others like to fit into society. They enjoy the status quo and find security there. Adulthood often demands it. You’re also being true to your authentic self. 

Either way, you know you’re doing it when you listen to your own heart and mind. Not what others are telling you to do or how to think. It takes courage and determination. It’s about following your gut. 

But know this, people will question you MORE when you’re true to your authentic self, rather than when you cave to social norms. That is the hard truth. That’s why it can be difficult.  

Also, sometimes you’ll make the wrong choice, and there will be many “I told you so’s,” but you did it your way. And there’s a lot to be said for that. 

Peace and happiness are found in your authentic self, so don’t give up. You’ll reconcile your past because you’ll understand it better. You’ll embrace your present because you appreciate it. You’ll move confidently into your future because you know who you are. 

Choose you. You know best. I applaud all who fight to be true to their authentic selves. 👏  I commend all who succeed. 👊 Let’s take off our masks and be who God made us to be. 

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay


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