Helicopter Mom Crashes and Free Range Mom Flies

Were you anxious when you first became a mom? That was me when my daughters were cooing babies and toddling tikes. 

Here are 6 Helicopter Mom Reactions (To New Motherhood) 

1 I was a germaphobe. Lots of hand sanitizer and no community toys or playrooms. Cancelled playdates due to runny noses and change of clothes after public outings.

2 I was paranoid about their diet. The struggle through early breastfeeding and panic over supplement formula became fear of choking. I cut up their food so small they could barely pick it up. It’s a wonder they didn’t starve!  

3 I carried a supersize diaper bag to meet any possible need. I’m not kidding. It was overweight luggage! 

4 I kept a precise schedule. They napped and ate each day at the same time and followed a choreographed bedtime routine. 

5 I was overprotective from “mean” kids and “bad” experiences, not realizing how much strength is gained facing adversity.  

6 I RARELY left their side. Once in a while, grandparents babysat and maybe family sleepovers.

Then they became tweens and teens, and this helicopter mom crashed and burned! I could not keep the pace. I figured by then, they can speak up for themselves and communicate if something was wrong.  And by then, we had a close relationship, so I broke down the fence and let them fly the coop.    

Here are 6 Free Range Mom Responses (Post Helicopter Motherhood)

1 They fought their own battles. This is with friends, teachers, and coaches. 

2 They controlled their own cell phone / media usage. These were important lessons under our roof.  

3 They earned their own grades. We only gave them the resources to achieve success. 

4 They made their own friends. I met them after they picked them, and let them be. 

5 They managed their own time. They decided study habits and social engagements that worked for them. 

6 They accepted responsibility. They worked, or helped around the house, or donated their time.  

My kids navigated life independent of their dad and I, while we were still nearby and available to counsel. Some tough lessons were learned. They owned their decisions and could not tell us, “You told me to.” The best part is they have wings and are ready to fly. I just hope not too far. 🐤🐦 

To all the loving moms, whatever your parenting style, Happy Mother’s Day! 

Image by Vânia Raposo from Pixabay.


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