Do You Want a Label?

Who remembers Jordache and Sasson designer jeans? Coming from a thrifty family, mine would come from local neighbors’ garage sales. I felt so cool wearing them back in grade school. I wanted so badly to fit in! 

In my naivety, I didn’t realize that the labels were part of our great divide. As I’m older and wiser, I don’t care for labels. I like being free to be me without labeling who that may be. 

Yet, labeling has become common practice these days. A very simple label system exists for people, with messaging often led by the corporations, media, and politics. People are placed in tidy groups based on nationality, politics, race, sexual identity, sexual orientation, etc. What happened to privacy? 

I don’t know about you, but I’m a little uncomfortable with this new, celebrated convention. In the name of “acceptance” and “security,” we’re building a segregated society based on our differences. I fear it can cause more harm than good.

I always thought we were not supposed to categorize people. Can’t it lead us down a shaky road of bias? Strong opinions on who is right and who is wrong? Who is better and who is worse? Who is superior?  

I don’t care if we’re in a group or as individuals. The sad fact is none of us will ever be accepted and liked by everyone for so many absurd reasons. If we can put aside our differences, we may find where and how we are alike. Give one another a chance. That is what we should aim for!  

Our aim can be a loving society where we cooperate and live in harmony. In the end, we’re all human with the same #hierarchy of needs, and we’re all #childrenofGod. He loves all of us and teaches us to love one another. 

Think about this. We are all so much more than our labels. 

“Find peace wherever you are. Peace is not what’s around you. Peace lives within you.” – w.l. porte