What Is a “Gentle Life”?

What do I mean by “Create a Gentle Life”?  

First, the definition of gentle is “a mild, kind, or tender temperament.” 

So . . . let your interactions and thoughts be gentle as you experience life. In other words, love and appreciate the world, its people, and your own unique bent. Think of all these as gifts from God.

Below are ways on how to relate with yourself, others, and gems to cherish on your journey. 

20 Ways to Create a Gentle Life

Time – Take the time to nurture and refresh.

Heart – Think and act with it.

Peace – Protect your own and others’. 

Patience – It is not easy.

Truth – It may hurt sometimes.

Respect – It encourages growth and love.

Gratitude – Count your blessings. 

Heal – Care and forgiveness.

Inspire – Be light and love. 

Serve – Time, talent, and resources.

And fill in the blanks . . .

Home – Your people. Love, laughter, food, _______. 

Joy – Travel, writing, puppies, _______.

Beauty – Nature, music, books,  _______.

Prayer – Calm, wisdom, direction, _______. 

Passion – Find it and help others. Fitness, volunteering, learning, _______.  

Create – Bake, make, build, _______. 

Cheer – Success for all and celebrate! 

Be real – You and allow others.

Be there – Wherever you are, be present. 

Believe– In God, yourself, and others.

I think a gentle life is the key to happiness because it will affect you and the lives you touch in a bright, positive way.  

“Let your gentleness be evident to all.” Philippians 4:5 (NIV)

Photo by jraineypage 💞


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