No Wonder Dogs are Our Best Friends

A room full of dogs is a lot like a room full of people. Some are fancy, and some are unkempt. Some are reserved, and some are chaotic. And then the interaction, some greet everyone in the room, while others hide in their safe space. 

This hit me at a recent veterinary visit where I witnessed, what felt like, a social event. A strong pit bull, a long legged doberman, a short legged dachshund, a smiley havanese, and a curious hound. 

There were the more senior dogs, the younger pups, and their unique approaches to life. The pups were fast, energetic, and inquisitive. The seniors were slow, sleepy, and bored. 

One thing most canines have in common is hunger for food all of the time. The other is they seem to find comfort in their pack. 

Each with a unique disposition. Some dogs get along better than others. Some personalities click and others don’t. Humans are the same. Yet as complicated as it can be, both species thrive living with their pack. 

It makes me laugh to think about canines as a bunch of people. Our family and friends may resemble certain dog breeds based on their appearance or personality. Think about it!  

Maybe we even choose a dog that looks like us or matches our disposition, without even realizing it. I’ve often wondered, do we choose the dog, or does the dog choose us? 

Nurturing relationships come in human and animal form. As humans, I definitely like that we shake hands when we meet over the alternative. 🤣 

“All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For after all, he was only human. He wasn’t a dog.” – Charles M. Schulz

Image by Helena Sushitskaya from Pixabay


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