What Makes You Feel Safe?

Safety. What we need to feel safe, it changes with age. 

Young babes find security in a blanket or a binkie or a favorite toy. Parents down the hall. Blankets tucked around them. A story and a prayer to rest their sleepy heads.  

For teenagers, it’s not much of a concern. They are indestructible. But good, true friends can make a big difference. 

As adults, a “secure” job, family network, and community ties. That feels safe, right?  

For all, our home is our safe place. We can close the door on the monsters outside. Our home is our fortress. Home comes in the shape of a house and a person. 

So for all ages and stages of life, security is a heart matter. 

But it’s a big world out there, physical security matters too. How can we protect ourselves?  

We take precautions. Self defense, locking doors, alarm systems, etc. If we get in trouble, we can call the Police and Fire Departments.

We ensure our basic needs are met. A roof over our head, electricity to live, water to drink, and food to eat. But even the most basic essentials are threatened, think of natural disasters. 

We need to be able to trust ourselves, our loved ones, and each other. That’s safety. We need to know we have each others’ backs. That is being a “good” human.  

Yet it’s feeling less and less safe because dissension is formulating without our concurrence. Our humanity is being poked at. The intentions are unclear, but the results are lucid.  

More than ever, my hope for you is to place your trust in the one and only safeguard. God is here beyond all possibility with unconditional love. He brings peace and security. With that, we can face any demons. Godspeed!  

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1

Image by FotoRieth from Pixabay.


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