Do Church Bells Ring if No One is There?

Have you been to church since Covid? I’m guessing the answer is no because most everyone in my circle has not been. It’s almost as if they forgot a habit. I did too.

Of course, many are watching it on TV, or listening to it on the radio. Some have even opened their Bibles, Amen! So, some are experiencing religion now more than ever. 

What saddens me are the elders, the people who never missed a service. They are full of Covid anxiety, and I get it. Yet it’s inconceivable that they’re not attending their church. 

My husband and I went to church this past Sunday for the first time since Covid. The church that cradled our babies since baptism and taught them about Jesus. We felt like guests. 

The priests and the people were not familiar, maybe because they all wore face masks. The songs were different, with no choir to lead us. No handshaking for peace, just smiling nods. 

After feeling out of place most of the mass, I was in a quandary. Uncertain if I should go up for communion? Will I get sick? How can I receive communion from the priest who delivers it to the rest of the “germy” congregation? 

I saw Jesus hanged on the cross. I remembered communion gives life and strength. I walked up in blind faith, knowing Jesus died for me. Faith over fear. 

I returned to my pew and knelt down with the wafer still on my tongue. I buried my face in my hands, and the tears fell. I returned home. 

It seems I had been away from Jesus for too long. I was forgiven. I felt fellowship with God’s family on this long journey. We’re all in this together.  

I prayed for all of us, and for the death of an old way of living. I wondered when “normal life” will return?

One thing that will never change, Jesus waits for us. 🙏🏻 

Image by Aydji from Pixabay


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