Inspired by the Death of a Biker

Motorcycle fatal accidents occur 29 times more often than vehicle fatal accidents, according to the NHTSA. This is just one motorcyclist’s tragic end (see article below), and   

This is my peace from Nick Bennell’s story. He was a lucky guy in life. Why do I say that? 

Nick died doing what he loved. 

Nick’s family understood him. 

Nick had true friends, including those among the Bikers of Worcestershire.

Nick was surrounded by those who shared principles in life and were loyal til death. 

And that is what touched my heart most, the secret sauce. Loyalty to people and principles makes all the difference. 

When we are loyal to one another, our honesty and goodness can be depended on. True loyalty is expressed in word and deed, whether together or apart. Our own principles make it non negotiable. It’s about staying faithful in caring for that person and your relationship. It is certain, never obscure, where loyalty exists.

Further, more takeaways from Nick’s story …

Watch out for motorcyclists on the road. 

Social media can serve a good purpose. 

Life is precious. 

And a biker’s slogan that speaks to me, “Riding a bike is like an art.” It takes practice, precision, commitment, a community, and it’s fun. Come along for the ride!

Rest in peace, Nick 🙏🏻   

Image by Pierluigi D’Amelio from Pixabay

Tragic biker given ‘one final ride along’ as his coffin was put in a side-car


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