The Movie Theater Feels Like Home

It’s showtime 🤩  It’s the time of year that box office hits are released! Have you been to the movie theater lately? 

We have, and it was so good to be back! I missed the BIG, shimmery screen and LOUD surround sound. Not to mention the buttery popcorn. Yes, we caved 😋 

As I stepped into the theater, it got me thinking of how much it felt like home. Home made me think of my childhood, and then I thought of my favorite movies of my youth. (Yes, that’s how this brain works.) 

Drum roll please . . .  “The Wizard of Oz  and  “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

These are my favorite childhood movies 😌  The first I watched at home year after year, and the second was an unforgettable, one-time screening at the movie theater.  

These movies made quite the impression on me and many of us in my generation. If you think about it, these two movies share the same theme, a yearning for home.  

The journeys of the characters, Dorothy and E.T., are very similar. They both leave their homes haphazardly and find themselves in strange lands. There, they find true friends who stand by them on their adventures and then help them return home. 

What’s your favorite childhood movie(s)? And what will you see next on the big screen??? 🤗

For now, grab some 🍿 and check out these two scenes. And when you can, watch both of these movies in their entirety, again or for the first time. It’ll feel like home ❤️

MOVIE CLIP – The Wizard of Oz  “There’s No Place Like Home”

MOVIE TRAILER – E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 20 Years in 2002 … it’s almost time again! 


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