Be Wise in the Waiting

Do you ever feel like you’re always waiting for something, and life moves too slowly? It happens when you anticipate the weekend, your due date, or your career goals. It’s when you’re waiting for “IT” to finally happen!

So when life crawls like a tortoise, it’s not so bad. In the waiting, there’s work to be done, growing, and knowledge to be gained. Maybe you’re not ready yet.  

So when life moves at a turtle’s pace, it can be a good thing. Life demands we prioritize different things at different times. Be present for the work of the  present day. The right time will come. Right?

It seems in this COVID-19 environment, many lives have tumbled. Many careers were affected. More than ever, you and your plans have stalled. Be gentle with yourself and others. Be consistent, and be wise in the waiting.   

Turtles are survivors. 

The earliest known records of sea turtles on earth are from the Jurassic Period. Prehistoric turtles lived with dinosaurs until the dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago.

Longest longevity of land animal species. The giant tortoise, the largest of all land turtles, can live 200 years.

And if you’re curious, what’s the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? Here it is 🤓


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