The Christmas Season is Here

What is it about the Christmas season that jingles our hearts? I always feel people truly seem happier and nicer. 

Is it because much of the world is dressed in holiday lights and music? We’re thinking of others more than ourselves? Jesus’ love is in the air? 

Maybe it’s because Christmas, and the end of the year, causes us to reflect. We think of our special people, our life thus far, and our future resolutions. 

As life shines in twinkling lights, we contemplate the passage of time and the resulting changes. At our Christmas gatherings and New Year’s countdowns, we’d be remiss not to notice who is absent. Such is life.  

Life is change. We all learn the hard way, but change is inevitable. 

We can help ourselves and each other. Appreciate the present 🎁 

Accept what cannot be changed. Change with the changes.

Because time is fleeting. 

Many of you probably know the prayer, but it’s one I hold dear. 

God grant me 

The serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can, and

The wisdom to know the difference. Rienhold Niebuhr

Make a difference for others with a smile, a gift, or a visit, while you still can. Life changes ❤️💚  Merry Christmas!      

Image by JillWellington from Pixabay.


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