The World Needs a Swaddle

January, the first month of the year,

A perfect time to start all over again, 

Changing energies and deserting old moods,

New beginnings, new attitudes.”

  • Charmaine J Forde 

Does the positive energy that charges a new year seem a bit drained this January? 

After about 2 years of a global pandemic, we’re all desperate for normalcy. We do everything to not get sick. We demand the power to save ourselves and those around us. But is this all really possible? 

It seems everything society is doing to achieve normalcy is pushing us over the edge of madness. The end result is most everyone is sick of the pandemic, yet it is alive and well in most places. 

What the world requires now is a big, warm security blanket. And then, each tired soul needs a good swaddle 😂 

Remember having a little baby in the home? You would tenderly lay the baby on a soft receiving blanket and wrap them like a taco shell. In a cozy blanket, the baby could cope with the big world. 

Seems more than ever, everyone yearns for security and protection. Why not a comforting swaddle in a big blanket? 

Make a cup of tea with honey, or hot cocoa with whipped cream? Rest with meditation and prayer. Read a good book or watch a calming movie? Listen to music and to each other. 

Whatever you do, just be sure to swaddle yourself. We can do this 🙏🏻❤️

“And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security.” Job 11:18  ESV

And have you seen these? I couldn’t resist 😍 . . . 

Big Blanket Co



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