It’s January, a long cold month. We need sunshine and Vitamin D. We also need music.
I think back to how music has affected me, saved me, and enhanced every moment! The experience of music has definitely changed throughout my life 🤔 🤩
Watching my mom drive to her groovy 8-track cassettes
Dancing in the living room with “Dance Fever” and “Solid Gold”
Spinning records and dueting with my friends
Mastering mixed cassette tapes from the radio with NO commercials or DJ voice
Rocking my babies to CDs
Streaming any music we want
Cheering on “The Voice” contestants
Of all music, dare I say that we need a good lullaby about now?
A lullaby is a gentle song to help us rest and calm our soul. It is a soothing voice that carries love. A reassuring voice that instills goodness in the world. It feels like kisses and hugs wrapped in music.
Of all music experiences, it’s best when shared together, and handed down from one generation to the next ❤️ 🙏🏻