The World Needs a Puppy

The world needs a pup snuggled on its lap. A scruffy dog to calm our nerves and raise our spirits. The comfort of a wet nose and fluffy fur is incomparable. 

Dogs offer unconditional love. You play together and then cuddle asleep. You communicate, and their thoughtful eyes understand.   

You both need each other. You’re family. But then the inevitable. Pets and their people get old. Life changes. 💩 happens, and not just in the backyard. 

I can still see my Maggie, a beagle-mix rescue, as a little pup chewing apart lawn chairs. At almost 16 years old, she either sleeps or barks. She wakes in the night and pees when I leave the house.   

We take this downhill walk together. Dogs teach us to be better humans. To love and be of service to them, as they are to us until the end.  

Hug your dog tight. Hold onto your animal. It’s a blessing to give and receive so much love. And to fulfill your promise.  

We’ve all heard the coincidence that GOD spelled backwards is DOG. And yes, dogs are good for the soul. 

And if now is not the time you can commit to a pet, you can always watch dog and cat videos. Those always lighten the mood 😅

“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.” – Roger A. Caras, Author of  A Dog Is Listening: The Way Some of Our Closest Friends View Us  

Image by Alkhaine from Pixabay.



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