Time Well Spent

We will lose a precious hour this weekend. One less hour of sleep or fun or family. Boo hoo, right? It’s Daylight Saving Time.

According to Ken’s Clock Clinic, a clock can’t be overwound. I do think people can be overwound in a physical and mental sense. 

We think we gain the most by working more hours and making more money and popping all week long. We don’t want to waste time, but it can be the wisest thing to do.  

Here are some activities that really boost our time quota. 

Sleep time. Go to bed. Adults need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night on a regular basis. If not, the health outcomes are weight gain, having a body mass index of 30 or higher, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and depression, according to Mayo Clinic.

Idle time. Take a break. Constant busyness is the goal of every day. But all of this multitasking can be a bit much. You’ll likely accomplish more and better when you coast sometimes. 

Alone time. Go solo. We don’t need to fill all of our time with chatter and media. Shut it all off! It doesn’t have to be lonely. It can be very productive to replenish and to create. 

When we schedule the above time wasters, we have more to give others. 

Together time. Time spent with those we love is never wasted. We want to be a great friend, family member, coworker. We want to rise high and light, not heavy like a deflated balloon.

Time is our most precious resource. We all get the same amount – 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. Let’s use it wisely. 

Image by valentinsimon0 from Pixabay.


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