Bullies Everywhere

Have you been bullied? Have you witnessed bullying? Are you all paying attention?

A bully is defined as a blustering, mean, or predatory person who, from a perceived position of relative power, intimidates, abuses, harasses, or coerces people, especially those considered unlikely to defend themselves.

Bullies thrive in our world today. They plow through people’s lives for their own selfish interests with little or no consequences.   

Home. Yes, they can exist in families and as frenemies. In our safe place and inner circle.  

School. One fifth of American students ages 12-18 are bullied nationwide. Over 50% reported the most common reason they were bullied was social influence. 

Work. One third of American employees are bullied nationwide. Bullying appears to be invisible and acceptable here. Look at the recent incident between Chris Rock and Will Smith, both just doing their jobs. 

Community. Lines are drawn over social and health issues. Lines are blurred about right and wrong. Our neighborhoods don’t feel as connected or safe. 

Government. This cannot be excluded in a time of world strife and war. Human rights challenges boil across the globe. Our lives come from God, not dictators.

Think about this. 

Jesus was bullied. Throughout life and until his brutal death. Be like Jesus, and love one another. Trust in God for strength and justice in time.    

Here’s a comical movie clip that “reflects on being like Jesus” and displays a “bully” dad in action 🤣 Had to end this heavy topic on a light note.   

Meet the Parents (5/10) Movie CLIP – Kevin the Ex (2000) HD

Bullying is out there. Tell someone. Be there for someone. Let’s light it up🙏🏻 

Image by vargazs from Pixabay.

Sources: National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice 2021 and Workplace Bullying Institute 2021


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