Sinking Ship

I caught myself watching Titanic again. It stops me in my tracks every time and gives me shivers. 

It’s the way the love story juxtaposes with the sinking ship. We feel the joy then desperation of the two souls wanting to love one another, and the glorious ship sinking faster than one could catch a breath. 

Have you been in a relationship when you knew it was a sinking ship? Everything was against you. The timing, the distance, the circumstance, the peer pressure, the family pressure, and just plain life. 

Yet there was nothing stopping you. You still went for it. The current was strong. 

This can be any kind of relationship. Some souls are not meant to stay together. Yet while there, they can make a big impression. Lasting impact is made!

God crosses paths for a reason. We have something to give and to enlighten each other on the journey. For a time, we navigate together and get through rough waters. Once we serve our purpose, a life raft takes us to a different port.

We are forever changed. Just like Jack and Rose. 

Titanic 3D | “I’m flying” | Official Clip HD

Jack died for Rose. Rose lived for Jack. Love and commitment lived beyond the ship, and perception with time. 

In 2022, it’s the 110-year anniversary of the true Titanic sinking on its maiden voyage April 15, 1912 🙏🏻💙 It makes me shiver. 

Titanic sinks – HISTORY

Image by David_Do from Pixabay.


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