More Dads Staying Home

The landscape of stay-at-home parents is changing. It’s always evolving. Here are the numbers.  

In 1967, 49% of mothers were stay-at-home mothers. 

In 1989, 10% of stay-at-home parents were fathers.

In 1999, 23% of mothers stayed home with their children. 

In 2012, 29% of mothers stayed home. 

In 2016, 17% of stay-at-home parents were fathers. 

The number of dads staying home to raise the kids is on the rise. As of now, stigma exists for the stay-at-home dads. Society says it’s not masculine to raise children, and men may not parent as well as women.   

It’s known that dads and moms parent differently. Most of us agree that kids benefit from both influences.  

As long as kids feel loved, the whole family wins. As long as parents find their choices rewarding, everyone wins.  

Fact is hard work and sacrifices are made by the working-outside-home and stay-at-home parents. Good decisions are made when they feel right for your entire family, knowing that no situation will be perfect.  

Happy Father’s Day to all of the awesome dads, grandpas, and uncles out there! Here are some top dad moments ❤️

Best Dads Ever – Superhero Dads Compilation 2020

Research collected by Gretchen Livingston, Current Population Survey, the American Time Use Survey, Pew Research, and The Good Men Project.

Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay.


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