Friendship and Time

National Friendship Day is the first Sunday in August. I couldn’t let that day go by without a blog of love and gratitude in honor of my friends.

Old friends from the past reside in my heart. New friends in the future keep my heart open. But this group here stays by my side, as we ripen together on the vine.  

They bloomed at different seasons and represent specific times of my life. They’re each unique, and together, they beautify my life like an extravagant bouquet of flowers. 

My wise grammar school friend knows my roots and keeps me grounded. She has recently moved across the country. We now have coffee over Zoom. 

My best friend from high school understands me like no one else can. Our weekly phone conversations keep me sane. When we get together, grand adventures!  

My college buddies support me in the darkest of times and grandest of moments. They can still make me giggle and stand beside me with strength.  

My neighbors, social media, and work friends connect me to a larger community. They brighten my days. 

My dogs are my besties, always here when I need them, with unconditional love. 

I see my childhood self in my mom, my sister, my cousins, and family. They keep me young at heart and know me best. 

I navigate my future with my husband and daughters. We share this journey. They are my breath and my song. 

All of these relationships are my angels on earth. What friendships do you celebrate?

Image by Pezibear From Pixabay.


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