The True Gift of Authenticity 

When you look in the mirror today, do you recognize the reflection? When you hear your message to the world, is it you?

“Authentic self” defined is being true to yourself in thought, word, and deed. How many of us are in touch with our authentic self? How many follow it? 

Or do we chase what we’re told and follow what we’re not? The world will be happy to take you.  

The best part of an authentic life is you meet your people. You find your tribe, people who see and live life as you do. They have their unique way to communicate similar themes in the world. A bond is made.

It is such a gift when you know yourself and discover like minded people. They can be found just about anywhere, in your neighborhood across the street or on social media across the world. 

If you regularly converse with the spirit inside of you, and really listen and act, you will become your authentic self. You will lead with your heart and speak  your mind kindly. You will follow your values and ideals.

Being authentic is a worthy goal. “Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

Image by Joe from Pixabay. 


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