Spring has Sprung!

There’s a gentleness to Spring that says, “It’s safe to come out.”

Spring flowers awake. Blue skies blanket above. Sunshine warms our souls. Let the thaw begin! 

It’s to witness the delicate sprouts from the earth and the trees. Will these fragile babes make it? They are quenched by rain and nourished by sun. 

It’s to see the worms get flooded from their homes. We tread gently to not hurt them. We sing with the birds and dance with the squirrels.  

It’s walking the gentle path to protect the animals and not harm the growth and to savor the sunshine again. 

When we walk the gentle path, we protect ourselves from negative, cold, and dark emotions. A gentle spirit welcomes spring’s rebirth of love and forgiveness and beauty around them.

Happy Spring! 

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay. 


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