Dangerous Power

Let’s think about modern life. 

When was the last time you touched your cell phone? Turned on the television? Used a laptop or a smart appliance? Played video games? Drove a car? Flew in an airplane? 

Stayed home? Went out? EMFs lurk everywhere.

EMFs are electric and magnetic fields of invisible energy, also known as radiation. It is our electrical power and forms of lighting. It is wireless and floats through the air.  

No matter what we do, we cannot avoid them. I may go so far as to say that we’re addicted to them. Just like a drug, a necessary drug if we’re to exist in modern society. 

It used to be less powerful. Now, 5G uses extremely high frequencies at short range, which is the danger zone, but said to be nonionizing, which is safer. The news is that 10G is coming. 

Let’s be diligent. Pay attention to how we feel. Possible effects on all of us include headaches, tremors, dizziness, memory loss, loss of concentration, sleep disturbance. 

Some people suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Symptoms may include insomnia, depression, anxiety, fatigue, concentration and memory issues, dizziness, irritability, loss of appetite, nausea, and tingling skin. 

Well, 😳 that seems to be plenty of us.

EMFs can lead to cancer and more serious health conditions. So the new pollution is invisible and mandatory for modern living. 

Unless, 🤔 see picture above.   

Image by Robert Owen-Wahl from Pixabay. 

EMF Dangers and EMF Effects on Health


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