My Wish for You – Parent’s Big Wishes

It’s that time of year when we celebrate parents – May and June. All of the sacrifices, all of the love, all of the energy, all of the money, and all of the time. 

I had a BIG wish to get pregnant for years. It was a childhood dream and an answered prayer after years of infertility. I am forever grateful for being a Mom. 

Here are some parent wishes for their children at each stage. 

Pregnancy – Wish for health 

Baby – Wish for growth

Toddler – Wish for safety

Grammar School – Wish for wisdom

Middle School – Wish for kind friendships

High School – Wish for good choices

Young Adult – Wish for all of the above

We see our little children become the grown adults they were meant to be. We enjoy them as adults in friendship, conversation, and activity. The wish is that we’re still young and healthy to enjoy this time.  

Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Father’s Day to all of the parents. May your bright wishes come true for your children’s futures! 

My Wish (Rascal Flatts) | One Voice Children’s Choir Cover

Image by Peggy_Marco from Pixabay.

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