
“Into each life some rain must fall.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Meet J Rainey Page

J Rainey Page (Jen) inspires you to live a gentle, playful life with her writing and photography.  

A Midwest girl, she left the security of home with the practical plan to study teaching in the bluffs of Winona, Minnesota. But her heart burst with the words of her English professor, “I believe you have the gift to be a writer. You’re just a little young.” 

The writer’s dream was ignited!

Her joy stems from her kindred, her travels, and her creative projects. Whenever she can, she explores with her camera and notebook. She’s often joined by her 1 husband, 2 grown daughters, pups, and whoever and whatever can fit in a minivan. 

As most can relate, Jen has experienced her share of rain with obstacles and restarts, but a seasoned writer blooms. 

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For as long as she can remember, God planted two big dreams in her heart: one was to be a mom and two was to be an author. These two dreams doodled throughout her life.

As a child, she played for hours in her daisy-wallpapered bedroom (baby dolls and a writing desk). 

As a tween, she discovered the library’s comforts in tall shelves of dusty books (collected “Dear Abbys” and “Love Is” comic strips).

As a teen, her bedroom was piled with scribbled stories, magazine clippings, and music mixtapes (romantic ads and always love songs).

As an adult, she married her dashing husband (made her laugh and good food) and father of their two dazzling daughters (reading with them favorite mom memory).

As an author, she is published online and in print magazines.

As a traveler, she loves everywhere she can nature and photograph.

As a child of God, she thanks Him for dreams come true.


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