
Dangerous Power

Let’s think about modern life.  When was the last time you touched your cell phone? Turned on the television? Used a laptop or a smart appliance? Played video games? Drove a car? Flew in an airplane?  Stayed home? Went out? EMFs lurk everywhere. EMFs are electric and magnetic fields of invisible energy, also known as …

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Summer is officially here!  It’s the warm sunshine, laid back season that invites us to take a break from everyday life. What will we do with our carefree hours? Will we use our time wisely? Take time. R&R for good health. “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” – Sydney J. …

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Dads in the Wild

Happy Father’s Day to all of the wild dads! Here are some animal species that are wild about being dads too.  Male flamingos share all of the duties with the female flamingos- build the nest, incubate the eggs, and parent the hatchling.  Male seahorses become pregnant and give birth to their children.  Male emperor penguins …

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Spring has Sprung!

There’s a gentleness to Spring that says, “It’s safe to come out.” Spring flowers awake. Blue skies blanket above. Sunshine warms our souls. Let the thaw begin!  It’s to witness the delicate sprouts from the earth and the trees. Will these fragile babes make it? They are quenched by rain and nourished by sun.  It’s …

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The Immortal Jellyfish

It’s Spring Break season. Where do we go? The water! I think most of us love to be near the water. It’s no wonder when it’s known to lower blood pressure, decrease stress, help us relax, increase creativity and happiness. And maybe hold the fountain of youth?    Ahhh, water is beautiful and mysterious. We see the …

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