
How Do We Care?

Everyone is a caregiver of some kind. We all care for someone or something. We may care for a home, a pet, a car, a child, a job, or a houseplant. The list of what and who needs our care can be endless! For me, it’s the greatest blessing to have cared for a child. …

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Change, Seasons of Life

Can you see human experience in nature?  Life changes a lot and often. The seasons change. Right?   Spring – Opportunity and energy Summer – Motivation and success Fall – Serenity and contentment Winter – Decline and rest Nature mystically guides us through change because  Change is inevitable  Beauty shines in every season Strength builds with …

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Age, Seasons of Life

Can you see human experience in nature?  People age. Life has seasons. Right?   Spring – Youth – Everything in bloom   Summer – Young Adult – New experiences and growth Fall – Middle Age – Change and reflection  Winter – Old Age – Quiet and introspection  Nature so poignantly shows us how to age gracefully.  Patience …

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