
Road Trip Season

Driving off into the sunset soon? I believe there’s nothing like the carefree adventure of a good road trip.  You may wonder why you would go on a road trip with so many “better and faster” ways to get there? Well, here’s why! “Getting there is half the fun!”  National Lampoon’s Vacation Trip Tic Not …

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Sinking Ship

I caught myself watching Titanic again. It stops me in my tracks every time and gives me shivers.  It’s the way the love story juxtaposes with the sinking ship. We feel the joy then desperation of the two souls wanting to love one another, and the glorious ship sinking faster than one could catch a …

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Bullies Everywhere

Have you been bullied? Have you witnessed bullying? Are you all paying attention? A bully is defined as a blustering, mean, or predatory person who, from a perceived position of relative power, intimidates, abuses, harasses, or coerces people, especially those considered unlikely to defend themselves. Bullies thrive in our world today. They plow through people’s …

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Money Well Spent

Money on memories, not materials. Money on moments, not mess. That’s my motto.   What has me thinking about money lately is inflation. It’s the next thing to tie our hands behind our backs and blindfold us from living. BUT we need to experience life already.  After hibernating all winter, spring routinely hatches the desire to …

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Time Well Spent

We will lose a precious hour this weekend. One less hour of sleep or fun or family. Boo hoo, right? It’s Daylight Saving Time. According to Ken’s Clock Clinic, a clock can’t be overwound. I do think people can be overwound in a physical and mental sense.  We think we gain the most by working …

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The World Needs a Puppy

The world needs a pup snuggled on its lap. A scruffy dog to calm our nerves and raise our spirits. The comfort of a wet nose and fluffy fur is incomparable.  Dogs offer unconditional love. You play together and then cuddle asleep. You communicate, and their thoughtful eyes understand.    You both need each other. You’re …

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