
J Rainey Page believes we’re all fellow travelers on a parallel path. And although we have unique bends and twists along the way, our travels open our minds and hearts, and we realize…

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

As we travel, let’s bring love, patience, positivity, and curiosity, and always gather lots of pictures and stories.

Follow Our Instincts

I always thought of instinct as something to protect myself. I still do, but it’s much bigger and better than that.  Instinct is when we feel a connection or a disconnection with a thought, an action, a person, an event. We must listen to our instinctual responses to the world

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What is Our Connection to Nature? 

Have you ever spent a week, a day, or even an hour in nature? How did you feel after?  I’d say, it feels pretty amazing. It’s almost as if we’ve returned to our roots and to our true selves. There is no denying that humans and nature are connected.  First,

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What Can AI Do Today?

Have you spoken to a robot lately? I think we all have. Most customer services are answered by a friendly computer for years now. And how about our attentive friends, Siri and Alexa?  Curiosity got the best of me. I did a quick search to see what else artificial intelligence,

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My Wish for You – Parent’s Big Wishes

It’s that time of year when we celebrate parents – May and June. All of the sacrifices, all of the love, all of the energy, all of the money, and all of the time.  I had a BIG wish to get pregnant for years. It was a childhood dream and

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How Are You, Lahaina?

Have you ever noticed when an emergency or sad event happens most of us are really good at swooping in at the beginning? We make the one phone call. We mail the one greeting card. We send the one flower bouquet.  But then we get busy doing our thing. We

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Spring Breakers

Oh, I remember well looking forward to spring break. Finding our new latitude. Midwest ice storms never stopped us.   It was about changing the scenery and spending quality time together as a family. Looking back, traveling with our kids was possible because we were conscious of our spending before we

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