
J Rainey Page believes we’re all fellow travelers on a parallel path. And although we have unique bends and twists along the way, our travels open our minds and hearts, and we realize…

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

As we travel, let’s bring love, patience, positivity, and curiosity, and always gather lots of pictures and stories.

The Christmas Season is Here

What is it about the Christmas season that jingles our hearts? I always feel people truly seem happier and nicer.  Is it because much of the world is dressed in holiday lights and music? We’re thinking of others more than ourselves? Jesus’ love is in the air?  Maybe it’s because

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Inspired by Christmas Cookies

Who loves to bake? Who loves to bake during the holidays especially? Me too! Most of our family recipes are filled with butter, flour, and sugar. Does it get any “butter”? 😆 I’ve been known to eat butter off the stick and sugar off the spoon.  But now the darn

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Be Wise in the Waiting

Do you ever feel like you’re always waiting for something, and life moves too slowly? It happens when you anticipate the weekend, your due date, or your career goals. It’s when you’re waiting for “IT” to finally happen! So when life crawls like a tortoise, it’s not so bad. In

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The Movie Theater Feels Like Home

It’s showtime 🤩  It’s the time of year that box office hits are released! Have you been to the movie theater lately?  We have, and it was so good to be back! I missed the BIG, shimmery screen and LOUD surround sound. Not to mention the buttery popcorn. Yes, we

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Inspired by the Death of a Biker

Motorcycle fatal accidents occur 29 times more often than vehicle fatal accidents, according to the NHTSA. This is just one motorcyclist’s tragic end (see article below), and    This is my peace from Nick Bennell’s story. He was a lucky guy in life. Why do I say that?  Nick died

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What are the Best Gift Ideas?

The holidays are almost here. The relatives are coming! Christmas is 77 days away to be exact.   How about homemade gifts? The receiver feels your heart, soul, and time. You better get started now!   I hate to admit it, but this is where my creativity hibernates. I stress out on

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