
J Rainey Page believes we’re all fellow travelers on a parallel path. And although we have unique bends and twists along the way, our travels open our minds and hearts, and we realize…

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

As we travel, let’s bring love, patience, positivity, and curiosity, and always gather lots of pictures and stories.

Do Church Bells Ring if No One is There?

Have you been to church since Covid? I’m guessing the answer is no because most everyone in my circle has not been. It’s almost as if they forgot a habit. I did too. Of course, many are watching it on TV, or listening to it on the radio. Some have

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What Makes You Feel Safe?

Safety. What we need to feel safe, it changes with age.  Young babes find security in a blanket or a binkie or a favorite toy. Parents down the hall. Blankets tucked around them. A story and a prayer to rest their sleepy heads.   For teenagers, it’s not much of a

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What’s Your Life Playlist?

The power of music, right? All of our hearts explode with songs. Memories are locked and throw away the key, if music is connected to them.  Recently, a favorite artist soothed me back home after taking our daughter to  college. #BruceSpringsteen and “E Street Radio” played in our van. A

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No Wonder Dogs are Our Best Friends

A room full of dogs is a lot like a room full of people. Some are fancy, and some are unkempt. Some are reserved, and some are chaotic. And then the interaction, some greet everyone in the room, while others hide in their safe space.  This hit me at a

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Inspired by a Doritos Chip

Did you hear the trending story about the puffy #Doritos chip? This news story caught my attention because Doritos are my guilty pleasure. A 13-year-old girl found a “puffy” Doritos chip in her chip bag. It was not the usual, perfect, flat chip. She decided to place it on eBay.

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What Is a “Gentle Life”?

What do I mean by “Create a Gentle Life”?   First, the definition of gentle is “a mild, kind, or tender temperament.”  So . . . let your interactions and thoughts be gentle as you experience life. In other words, love and appreciate the world, its people, and your own unique

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