
J Rainey Page believes we’re all fellow travelers on a parallel path. And although we have unique bends and twists along the way, our travels open our minds and hearts, and we realize…

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

As we travel, let’s bring love, patience, positivity, and curiosity, and always gather lots of pictures and stories.

Happy Birthday, America 🇺🇸

This year 2021, the United States of America will be 245 years old on July 4. Our American life is to be cherished, protected, and celebrated.   Freedom is rooted in our country’s core. Our forefathers documented freedom at the outset, and our people fought for it.  As the USA, we

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A Father and Child Go Fishing

Fishing and fathers often go together. For me, it was my Uncle Bill who taught me to fish. Those quiet moments on the lake will forever stay with me, and the lessons of fishing are buried treasure in the soul.  Establish the best chance for success.   You motor to just

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Is It Time to Tie the Knot?

June has always been the most popular month to get married. It still is today, along with September and October. It seems couples are grabbing the ideal weather and nature backdrops.  Being it’s June, I did a brisk Google search of what’s happening in the wedding scene today. It seems

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Do You Want a Label?

Who remembers Jordache and Sasson designer jeans? Coming from a thrifty family, mine would come from local neighbors’ garage sales. I felt so cool wearing them back in grade school. I wanted so badly to fit in!  In my naivety, I didn’t realize that the labels were part of our

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Helicopter Mom Crashes and Free Range Mom Flies

Were you anxious when you first became a mom? That was me when my daughters were cooing babies and toddling tikes.  Here are 6 Helicopter Mom Reactions (To New Motherhood)  1 I was a germaphobe. Lots of hand sanitizer and no community toys or playrooms. Cancelled playdates due to runny

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Time to Celebrate Home, Our Earth

Do you celebrate Earth Day? We seem to recognize the day and feel an extra responsibility to care for our planet during the month of April.  It’s often a beautiful day to pitch in outside when days are warmer and nature’s color shines. But I think our Earth is something

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