
J Rainey Page believes we’re all fellow travelers on a parallel path. And although we have unique bends and twists along the way, our travels open our minds and hearts, and we realize…

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

As we travel, let’s bring love, patience, positivity, and curiosity, and always gather lots of pictures and stories.

Mom and Daughter Road Trip

We had the best time ever! It was a mom and daughter road trip! It was disguised as a college visit trip. It peculiarly landed on a weekend that no one was available but she and I.  What made it so fun were the spontaneous stops, U-turns, sleepy towns, quiet

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Reuse Diaper Bag as Travel Bag

My favorite bag to travel with is a diaper bag. You must know my children are college age. Yes, I can be a #minimalist and believe in reusing and recycling.  So, here’s the story. About 20 years ago at our baby shower, we received our diaper bag that was neutral

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The Attraction of Water

We all want to live by, or at least visit the water. It’s there most of us find peace and healing. I can go so far as saying I want to be like water. For me, that is let life flow and go with the current.  What is our attraction

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100 Level Class Basic Travel Perks

Fellow travelers, it may be safe to search top travel destinations once again. Kids are sorta back at school, and this week’s news reported that a record number of people flew over Labor Day Weekend since the pandemic began.  Maybe it means more people are having faith over fear, or

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Inspired to Write and Write to Inspire

Why do you write? What inspires you to write? Inspiration comes in many forms, and I know you fellow writers are out there! 😍 Is it a place? Is it a time of day?  Is it a feeling? Is it a memory? Is it life experience? Is it a yearning

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Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer. We often hear this phrase referring to the month of August. It’s when the days are hot and a person feels lazy like a dog. What you may not know is it dates back to the Greeks and the Romans when the dog star, Sirius, rose

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