
J Rainey Page believes we’re all fellow travelers on a parallel path. And although we have unique bends and twists along the way, our travels open our minds and hearts, and we realize…

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

As we travel, let’s bring love, patience, positivity, and curiosity, and always gather lots of pictures and stories.

Happy New Year 2023 

Whether you spend it in your cotton pajamas or a sequin pants suit, New Year’s Eve is a time of celebration and reflection. Whether you brunch at your kitchen table or at a hotel buffet, New Year’s Day is a day of hope and expectation.  Let’s be grateful for what

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The World Needs a Cup of Cocoa 

It’s getting chilly outside. Along with coats, hats, scarves, and mittens, the world needs a big cup of cocoa. Now more than ever!  Hot cocoa sweetens us inside and out. Studies have shown that hot drinks can make us feel happier and more accepting and kind to others.  So these

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The True Gift of Authenticity 

When you look in the mirror today, do you recognize the reflection? When you hear your message to the world, is it you? “Authentic self” defined is being true to yourself in thought, word, and deed. How many of us are in touch with our authentic self? How many follow

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What are the Benefits of Music?

Have you heard that listening to music for just 5 to 10 minutes per day improves memory and strengthens your immune system? It also reduces stress, boosts mood, and helps you rest. If you dance and sing while you listen to music, even more positive effects!  All types of music

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Change, Seasons of Life

Can you see human experience in nature?  Life changes a lot and often. The seasons change. Right?   Spring – Opportunity and energy Summer – Motivation and success Fall – Serenity and contentment Winter – Decline and rest Nature mystically guides us through change because  Change is inevitable  Beauty shines in

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Age, Seasons of Life

Can you see human experience in nature?  People age. Life has seasons. Right?   Spring – Youth – Everything in bloom   Summer – Young Adult – New experiences and growth Fall – Middle Age – Change and reflection  Winter – Old Age – Quiet and introspection  Nature so poignantly shows us

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