
More Dads Staying Home

The landscape of stay-at-home parents is changing. It’s always evolving. Here are the numbers.   In 1967, 49% of mothers were stay-at-home mothers.  In 1989, 10% of stay-at-home parents were fathers. In 1999, 23% of mothers stayed home with their children.  In 2012, 29% of mothers stayed home.  In 2016, 17% of stay-at-home parents were fathers.  …

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The World Needs a Puppy

The world needs a pup snuggled on its lap. A scruffy dog to calm our nerves and raise our spirits. The comfort of a wet nose and fluffy fur is incomparable.  Dogs offer unconditional love. You play together and then cuddle asleep. You communicate, and their thoughtful eyes understand.    You both need each other. You’re …

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Be Mine, Valentine?

Remember giving out Valentine cards in the classroom? You would ever so carefully choose just the right one for each friend and crush and classmate. Your friend would get your favorite one, and your crush, well, it would be the gooiest.  I don’t think kids are allowed to do that anymore. Now, the nameless valentines …

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