
Follow Our Instincts

I always thought of instinct as something to protect myself. I still do, but it’s much bigger and better than that.  Instinct is when we feel a connection or a disconnection with a thought, an action, a person, an event. We must listen to our instinctual responses to the world around us. What do I …

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Dangerous Power

Let’s think about modern life.  When was the last time you touched your cell phone? Turned on the television? Used a laptop or a smart appliance? Played video games? Drove a car? Flew in an airplane?  Stayed home? Went out? EMFs lurk everywhere. EMFs are electric and magnetic fields of invisible energy, also known as …

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Summer is officially here!  It’s the warm sunshine, laid back season that invites us to take a break from everyday life. What will we do with our carefree hours? Will we use our time wisely? Take time. R&R for good health. “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” – Sydney J. …

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