
Civility is a Choice

How would you describe much of American behavior as of late? I pose this question in a world that is increasingly…   Politicized and polarized?  News media have slants, and politicians have agendas?  Has social media annoyed this climate? Has covid-19 stressed this environment? Has an election year exasperated it all?  I think we can all …

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Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer. We often hear this phrase referring to the month of August. It’s when the days are hot and a person feels lazy like a dog. What you may not know is it dates back to the Greeks and the Romans when the dog star, Sirius, rose in the sky.  Dog days …

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Let It Rain

Five inches of rain fell yesterday. The rain was determined, persistent, and ruthless, as it came down in buckets. One thing for sure, if it must rain, I prefer a warm rain. In fact, I’d be in pure bliss walking outside in the puddles on a misty, warm day. Probably even over a sunny, bright …

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